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From Schutzhund to Service Dog

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Handsome Victor ("Valko"), now a certified service dog!

Handsome Victor, now a certified service dog!

This handsome fellow is Victor. Victor came to us from Germany, imported as a Schutzhund 3-titled dog. Victor impressed us right away with his impeccable temperament, his willingness to please, and his sweet and loving personality.  We knew he would be destined for a special home, one that would appreciate his good-natured and affectionate temperament.

Victor was purchased by his current owner, who was in need of a steady, stable companion and working dog. After undergoing extensive training with trainer David Greene (more on David Greene here), Victor was then certified as a service dog! He provides physical support and bracing for his owner, as well as loyal companionship. His patient and steady personality make him the perfect candidate for this work.

Victor has continued to progress quickly through his training,  expanding his repertoire of service dog duties. He is a fast learner, and has a natural intuition toward his handler. He has already prevented his owner from falling several times, and has helped bolster her confidence about going out in public. As a service dog, Victor has provided his owner with a new level of freedom and peace of mind. We are so proud of Victor and all that he has accomplished in his new home!

Victor with his owner


About the Author
  1. Susan Reply

    Thank you so much for Victor. I could not have asked for a more perfect partner and friend. He has stepped into his role as my service dog with grace and confidence. His disposition makes him perfect for this kind of work. He learned so much in a short period of time that he was able to accompany me on a weeks vacation. He is a natural and I love him.

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