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Ron Kester

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On Tuesday, June 3rd, German Shepherd Watchdogs partner Ron Kester passed away peacefully at home after his battle with pancreatic cancer. Ron was a beloved father, friend, and community member, active in his Schutzhund club, Boy Scout troop, and his church. Our  thoughts and prayers are with Ron’s family during this difficult time, as we know Ron’s presence is deeply missed. We wish them strength, peace, and healing.

A service for Ron will be held this Friday, June 13th, at 10 AM, at the LDS Church in Rocklin (2610 Sierra Meadows Dr, Rocklin). We encourage all who knew and loved Ron Kester to attend. We will celebrate and remember Ron’s life together this Friday, and will share more about Ron’s life here at a later date.

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  1. Mark and Julie James Reply

    Mark James and Julie Washburn-James send prayers and condolences to the family and friends of Ron in their time of loss and grief. Blessings to all.

  2. George Suarez Reply

    My condolences too Rons family.I Will always remember him as a man with a big heart and his love for the GSD.Rest in peace buddy.

  3. Monica Taylor Reply

    To the Ron Kester Family:

    My heart is sadden to hear about your family loved one; Ron Kester passing. I just obtained the news; and my prayers go out to all of you in a time such as this.

    I met Ron through his website (German Shepherd Watchdogs) and contacted him about his german shepherd dogs, and what level training they had. I also let Ron know what I was looking for: a family companion/protector, good with cats, likes to ride in the car and go for walks. I talked with Ron about the passing of my German Shepherd (Gunda) – Ron (at that time) thought it best that I wait until my heart healed before I thought buying another dog. I truly appreciated Ron’s concern for me and for taking the time to discuss my needs; I kept in touch for a while. I would like to know Ron’s great work training German Shepherds will continue so I can revisit my needs for the right shepherd that is good with cats.

    May God Bless you.
    Monica Taylor CS, CO

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