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Fortify your home

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If you’re looking to shore up your home against intruders, you may think that the only methods available are pricey alarm systems that are totally beyond your reach. Though it may be true that alarm systems are great tools for safety, it’s also the case that there are a number of other, effective fixes that can help you sleep safe and sound knowing you’re protected. One of the best examples is buying a  protection dog like a  trained German Shepherd. Having a loyal friendly standing by night after night is a great way to ward off intruders and help you have peace of mind. Additionally, try putting bars on your windows, especially if you live in a heavily populated urban area. Barred windows send a signal to potential intruders that you mean business and aren’t willing to have your home broken into. For more budget-friendly home protection ideas, look online or check out your local home improvement store to chat with an expert.

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